Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Well I have had a whirlwind of eye opening experiences so far today.But, before I get into the details of the day so far, I must comment on the deplorable poverty and conditions in New Dehli.Its hard to even put into words. Everywhere I looked, there were disheveled people living in squalor,in conditions I can't even imagine,except now I have seen it. The streets are total chaos with cars,animals pulling carts,pedestrians,buses with passengers hanging out the doors,motorcycles and scooters,bicycles and rickshaws all moving together without regard for rules,speed or each other.There are no sidewalks to speak of ,just a lot of crumbled rocks and sand.The view from the bus and walking down the street is that of filth,crumbled buildings with people inhabiting them,makeshift straw huts, mostly falling down, where the ox and horses stay.walking is dangerous, everything is torn up and there are so many people I had a hard time keeping my group in sight. You can't cross the street and the roads are lined with parked cars 5-7 cars thick. I have no idea how this city of 16 million people function as a society , but I suppose they do. There are beggars every few steps...emaciated children begging not for themselves but for others.The beggars touch you and follow you endlessly. I was prepared for poverty from what I heard, but this supersedes any level of poverty I could think up. It was so shocking, I was felt surreal. Another strange thing, many of the Indians around the red fort would stop in their tracks and stare at us for 10 or 15 minutes.They would stare us up and down like they never saw a Caucasian or blond hair before. Kelly told me it was because staring is not considered rude in India and in fact many of these people were from outlying villages and may in fact had never seen people who looked like us. Some even wanted our pictures taken with them! More on the complex but fascinating Indian culture in future blogs.
Our day started with a 7am ,90 minute yoga class on the rooftop of the hotel.( now that is real hot yoga) even that early the heat is oppressive . But the yoga was great, a vinyasa flow type class that covered a lot of poses.Fran is our Yoga instructor on the trip. She is from Seattle , but trained in India. I went to the rooftop a little early and to my amazement,I saw people awakening on all the neighboring rooftops. I even saw one man shaving with a mirror attached to chicken wire....on a roof! Turns out a lot of people sleep on the roofs because it's cooler than any other place,if they have a place to go.The yoga was to the sounds and smells of India , which probably doesn't sound too good after reading the above, but it was grounding, organic and quite authentic , especially as I heard praying in the distance.

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Fran , our yoga teacher...Kelly one of the guides is next to her.

The rooftop next to me. One guy is still sleeping.

The street around the corner from the Hotel...we were heading for our bus

View on side of street.

Another view

After breakfast and a hot shower we visited The Red Fort where we met with a real monsoon.The rain was actually blowing sideways.It was a terrific show of mother nature here.We also visited a massive mosque where I had to adorn this pink dress and bare feet ( hey Linda G. - thanks for the tip about bringing socks, I e- mailed it to the others before we left and some took your advice too! It saved my feet from the hot stones!) After all the tourist stuff we had a great Indian lunch of dal,curried veggies,raita( a yogurt based sauce to cut the spice and naan( indian flatbread right from the ovens...) a 6 hour train ride to our next stop Amritsar....home of the famous golden temple. Weird train ride....they served us food constantly including a 4 course dinner. it was good too! Well, off to's almost 1am here and I have yoga in the garden at 7am. Namaste....

and I at the Red Fort was really was sunny 5 minutes later. Rain was really blowing sideways with winds at least. 80-90 mph

Sanjita...a little 9 year old who followed me everywhere..she took my hand over the rocky spots in the road. She was selling those fans.

Can you believe this... It gets better...

They found their ride.

weary and , Julia (grey shirt) and Carla wait to board train. Julia is going to medical school in the fall. guess where? My Alma Mater....Mount Sinai in New York City!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


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Arrived in New Delhi !

well I have arrived in India. It is nighttime here ,but what I saw on the way from the airport was like a war zone.Armed soldiers at intersections,streets torn up, crumbled buildings, and then down an dark alley we stomach turned in knots for a few seconds then I saw some inviting lights and it was a very quaint hotel,with marble floors and this was to be my home for the night.

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The rooms are nice and air-conditioned's 97 And humid now...pretty oppressive and it' nighttime !

I tried to walk outside down the dark alley, but got scared after some guys stared yelling something in Hindi when I took a picture. They were doing something in A building with no front at all.
yep, that's them.Looks seedy huh???Apparently alot if India is like this....poverty and nice hotels mingled amongst each other.
My flight was awesome. They ace these private cubicles the become beds with private TV,desks, separate chair (for visitors). The food was amazing and after dinner I had a solid 9 hours sleep cuddled in a comforter with 2 big cozy pillows! Woke up, Watched a movie in bed while nibbling on breakfast then we landed!

what's up here ?

One button and this converts to a huh?

Well, I have been in the same clothes for 2 days....but who cares? I am finally here in India! I am so excited to see and do it all! Yoga at 7 am tomorrow. Bye. Karin

Location:Ajmal Khan Rd,New Delhi,India

Monday, June 28, 2010

My journey has begun

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I originally wrote this at 29,000 miles in the air, but alas had difficulties posting it.This may be a recurring theme once I get to India depending on my WiFi connections. So bear with me...after a pretty sleepless night due to a 2am dream Jeff had ( about work...what else)He was talking away ( sleeping mind you) so I decided to participate in the conversation and he actually answered me! Typical lawyer...can't get them to shut up. Then it was off to the airport ....arriving 3 hours early! But turns out I needed it. I left Ormond Beach with a large ,stuffed backpack as a carry on....well after 2 minutes walking in the airport like a weeble wobbling and a knife like pain across my back, I found a store and bought a rolling backpack...who ever thought that up must know the weeble wobble feeling. Sitting on the floor of the store, customers all around, walking over me,I emptied all my crap( oops..I mean all my well organized items) from the "backbreaker" to the ahh..rolling backpack . Only downside I had to attach my yoga mat with a bungy cord and it sticks out a lot., (see previous picture). Now on to security..a breeze, but I did knock over a few small children with my sticking out yoga mat...they were ok..however, the old man I hit in the wheelchair gave me the stink eye .I was on cloud nine,nothing could bother me today. I sat at my gate patiently until I finally heard the overhead page I was waiting for! " first class may now board. I dashed, no danced to the jetway and pranced into first class waiting to claim my seat, 5F. To my surprise, there was a big Texan in MY seat! After much confusion guess what?.....I was on the plane to Dallas! My connection was in Chicago ! Like a dog with her tail between her legs I dragged my feet,chin down,eyes on the floor back up the jetway.But I eventually made it to 5F to Chicago , and I double checked with the stranger next to me to be sure. The flight was fine....they shower you with liquor ,food,warm baked cookies,more wine etc....I ate nothing and had a sip of water. Guess I am still excited,nervous,anxious all in one. So now I have 6 hours to wait in a beautiful lounge for first class flyers with guess what? bar,food galore,deserts...still not hungry...waiting for the real stuff.....curry. Next blog soon.....karin

Location:Chicago,United States

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Leaving Orlando

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Test run of iPad

this is a test!

Picture of us:

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

packing list

okay, I am almost finished with this packing list for India. I have spent so much time getting all this stuff that I must crush, roll, shove and pulverize into 1 small suitcase.(My method of overpacking). So why do I need a pumice stone for my feet? Are we going to be giving each other pedicures after so much yoga? or do our feet get so gross walking in India Barefoot, visiting Temples and shrines barefoot? I guess I have that experience to blog about later....maybe I will include a picture of my feet.Sewing Kit???I thought this was a yoga trip.....not a mission trip to mend Indian childrens socks....oh wait ,it's 118 degrees there today,My guess is not too many Indian Children, are wearing socks.But I bought it anyway....Luggage locks....not to lock your luggage on the Lock it to the seats on the train so it is still there when you wake up from your snooze....I feel safe already. I bought some costume jewelry to take the place of the real stuff adorning me now, now that was NOT on the list.But the best was "lightweight clothing to cover your torso"...what about the rest of my body?No undies or pants? Gave in...bought capri pants(microfiber undies too.) -by the way what is microfiber?? undies made of really,really small peices of thread??Only 9 days left and all that remains for me to find is an "elastic clothes line". Been to EVERY palce can find. Maybe I can just tie a bunch of rubber bands end to end.  Ok....time to go to yoga class in the US now..Hot Yoga...I think the room is about 118 degrees,....think I will leave my socks home.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

India!.......It's getting close!

Well it is now 12 days until I leave on what I believe will be an awe inspiring,transformational,yoga oddessy to India.Yoga has been a large part of my life now for the past 10 years. It started a decade ago,with perimenopausal symptoms(hot flashes, moodiness,painful periods,anxiety). I was running into lots of injuries with my cycling, running,skiing,triathlons etc.There was only 1small  yoga studio in town but I was desperate for a safe haven to continue exercising and perhaps helping some of my perimenopausal symptoms. I walked in the door 10 years ago and I haven't left yoga for one day since. I even went through the training to become a yoga teacher!Yoga has transformed me in more ways than I can even acknowledge.I  have developed not only a physically challenging practice allowing my weight to remain at a low BMI, despite now being post menopausal for 6 years now. I am stronger, leaner and more energetic than I can ever remember, even in my 20's. I am focused, with a profound sense of being present and aware of both myself and those around me.I am a better listener,focusing on what  is being said to me and really bringing it within.I am calmer(for sure!-ask my office staff), I deal with stress and life's big and little challenges in a positive way...always keeping a yogic breath on hand . My family says I have been "yogatized".So, as the title of my blog reflects...Life is all about,exercise,emotions, relationships,family, work...balance will lead us to a more fulfilling life. Yoga is what keeps me now  I prepare for an adventure to the place Yoga began..a pilgrimage of sorts..discovering India and more about where this life altering practice I now crave everyday is a part of daily life.It will be a trip of a lifetime,so follow the blog ...I will.share thoughts,fears,self discoveries and experiences both before and throughout this journey with 10 other yogis I don't know as we all follow a common dream ! Namaste...Karin