Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tel Aviv pictures

Pictures in Tel Aviv


The beach

There are almost never waves here...there is rain coming through...

Hotels along the beach, we stayed in the one closest to the left..David Intercontinental

Surfers taking advantage of the rare waves

you can bring your dog to lunch with you

Rebecca enjoying her favorite drink at her favorite cafe in Tel Aviv

I am full

Playing cards...rummy...we played for hours. Rebecca creamed us

Dinner with her friends.
Now off to the airport we go for a 5am flight .

Tel Aviv

Today is our last day in Israel.I am really sad to have to leave Rebecca. We have had a great trip. We have seen so much of the country on our great " off the beaten path tour" in fact it was really a combination of places we did not visit on our last trip here and places not well known to tourists, but places Israelis would visit including a lot of Israeli cafes for very authentic food. I felt like we lived a lot like an Israeli would with Rebecca's guidance.Right now we are eating in Rebecca's favorite cafe in Tel Aviv, Saquella Friends. It is delicious, with huge portions.It is also shabbat which for those readers who don't know is the Jewish sabbath that begins friday at sundown and ends Saturday after sundown . All the stores, businesses, government and most all kosher restaurants are closed.It's a day of rest and time to be with family and friends without diversions. Observers don't use cellphones. , TV, electricity ,or cars for that 24 hour period and all forms of public transportation like buses don't run.So we did what a lot of Israelis do....We found a non-kosher cafe and spent the afternoon eating, talking and playing cards.The restaurants in Israel are very much social meeting places. They don't give you a check unless you ask for it, they will never rush you. Many others in the cafe were on their computers or playing board games for hours as well. It was really great fun.We left about 5:00 and walked around until we had to meet Rebecca's friends and another set of parents also visiting. We all went out to dinner together , the food and company were great. just as we finished dinner the shops begin to open and the buses start running again . Rebecca likes shabbat. She thinks it is a good day to rest and be with your family and friends, it strengthens bonds and creates close families,which is very Israeli. The kids live near their parents etc.It is a wonderful country with natural beauty and a high standard of living.Whether you are a secular or religious Jew , Israel is a country to be proud of. I as an American Jew am proud of Israel and we should all be. For those who don't believe this I would challenge them to visit this beautiful and hospitable country.It is full of history, manmade and natural wonders, a land full of beautiful places to see for all interests and all religions.The food is wonderful and plentiful. I am also proud of my daughter spending 10 months of her life volunteering in this country and becoming a part of Israeli culture.She is full of life, passion, compassion and is a true down to earth old soul with a big heart for all. I love her with all my heart and I will miss her as I leave in a few hours. But I will have these memories of the last 2 weeks to cherish for the rest of my life,and I can only pray Rebecca feels the same.As this is my last blog in Israel, be safe my Rebecca, be well and enjoy all you do.Go live life to the fullest each day as I know you can. You will always be in my heart and soul. I love you.....shalom