Well today we left Israel and crossed into Jordan. The crossing involved lots of lines and passport controls, customs after which you have to physically walk over the border with your luggage and a Jodrdanian driver meets you on the other side.It was cold and rainy...yuk..but our destination of Petra is supposed to be one of the wonders of the world, not to be missed,if at all possible . And now after seeing this unbelievable place, it is a must see for anybody visiting in this area of the world. Petra a is a small village about 2 hours from the Jordan/Israel border. It's a wonder of ruins dating back to about 100 B.C.E.They were amazing to look at and in this case pictures will do more than words. According to our guide Suliman, it was a town of commerce and trade,including spices, amber for perfumes and Mir also for perfumes , but also found throughout the bible. Let's get to some pictures...

The entrance to Petra , this was formed by an earthquake

Mir( red) gold stones are amber used for perfume and insence. Mir is used for perfumes and is referenced in the bible for other purposes( sacrifices )


Carved by the Napathians( early settlers of Petra) to look like an elephant

They prayed in these niches in the stone. They are everywhere.

Narrow passages

Chariots, mules, horses and camels took those who didn't want to walk it. It was a good 10 miles with lots of steep climbing at times.I

This magnificent ruin is so well preserved. This is how it was found,no renovation has been done. It is called the treasury as there was thought to be treasure here,
but none was ever found and they now believe it was a temple
More pictures part 2