Today was a day packed with an adrenaline rush! We started the day off rappelling off the side of the Ramon Crater. It was so much fun( actually a mixture of sheer terror and exhilaration )that I did it twice. After this morning jolt( better than coffee) we headed further into the Negev desert to the Kassui sand dunes where after a longer than expected hike off the main road we rolled down huge sand dunes like we were kids again. Needless to say ,when we were done rolling , we had sand everywhere,even where the sun doesn't shine. But we got our second adrenaline fix for the day. Continuing deeper into the desert, we came to Red Rock Canyon where we went on the best hike of the trip so far. We slid down narrow passages,climbed steep rocky canyon walls with huge cliffs only inches away from us.It was not only fun ,but beautiful as well with a new adventure at each turn.Rebecca said she felt like she was 10 years old playing on the rocks, sliding down slippery slides made of rock. It really was great.Again, a beautiful day with lots of adventure in the land of milk and honey.
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Getting geared up for rappellin

Learning the ropes...haha...I made a funny!

Here I go -first time

This is great!

Am I down yet?
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