Well woke up refreshed after a 12 hour sleep, however as I am writing this I feel that familiar jetlag lull creep over my body and it is only 7:05pm. We started our day with a huge Israeli breakfast which offers all the usual eggs, pastries ,bagels anbut all kinds of salads,cheeses of all kinds, fish, homemade yogurts etc.Then off to Acco , a coastal village which is known as an important crusader port with secret tunnels and large parts of a Crusader castle are the major sites of the old city. it was really beautiful, I felt like a crusader making my way through all the underground tunnels which lead into large beautiful stone rooms with arched vaulted ceilings where crusaders once hung out waiting for. Their shipment of spice or silk. Then up north, almost to the tip of the country to see some remarkable sea caves , We took a cable car down to the caves. We then went on to Haifa walked around the city and went into a few shops. Rebecca's Hebrew is unreal,she was translating like a native for us everywhere we went. We. had dinner in a local restaurant,I had lentil bean patties ...great! Then off to an Internet cafe, joined some local Israelis with Rebeccas language skills and we called it a night.

Crusader castle

Tight tunnel

To the caves

Always listening!

Learning how to eat a krembo

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