Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Witness Surrounding Us

Day 4 Nia White Belt training....you got it, still finding more and more joy in my movement..Crazy huh? Woke up early to the South Carolina Chill of the wind blowing through the beachhouse. I have found myself in a comfortable yet vulnerable place in this training. We have been practicing so many different techniques for shedding our outer self to reach the inner heart to enable our bodies to strengthen the container in which my soul resides. Due to this and the fact I have 3 other terrific housemates...we have shared our lives, fears, passions, like we have known each other for 40 years.And, it's so easy! It just comes like a flowing faucet over dinner,cooking or cleaning together or just hanging out. We learned the concept of allowing your witness to watch you dance at all times...just to watch..not to judge or even change. Just to gather information about your movement "personality" and utilize the information to expand your creative dance, to go someplace you never have before, try a new dance movement...I found dancing on the floor( you read that right)..moving with reptile movements or embrionic like movements really gave me a joy I never thought I would experience dancing.Or walking the beach moving my pelvis like a butterfly.Pure Joy. Even with my witness watching. Now I realize this witness has served at least 2 purposes to enhance this whole experience...First, It has allowed me to try new movements WITHOUT judgement! Wouldn't that be wonderful if we could all do this in everday life.Do something new without judgement.Wear something you would never wear,say something you would never say , but really mean.What a great concept. In fact we should all be doing this for it promotes healing in ways our bodies and mind inately need.The second joy my witness has allowed is the healing and cathartic relationship I have with my Nia group....they are witnessing me talk, share,open up my guarded fears , dreams and emotions...WITHOUT judgement! This is why it is so easy to do.
I came to learn Nia, to dance...but I am finding new strength,agility,ability,and potential in not only my dance movements, but in me!I think we all are....I see everyone transforming in so many ways.So as day 4 comes to a close,again from the coffee shop with internet,I wish you all joy for now....and talk to your witness...you may learn something!

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