Hello from my next destination in India the sacred town of Varanasi. This town of 3 million people is considered the most sacred city in India for the Hindu people and is also known for their beautiful silks which we will be seeing later. Yesterday we took a 4 1/2 hr train ride from Hardiwar back to Delhi. The trains here are a riot, the stations like a war zone , with beggars all over the place, people sleeping on the floor....but you get onto first class and it's quite comfortable and they feed you the whole way....it comes in the cost of the train ticket. Got to hotel in Delhi about midnight then yoga at 5:30 am and we left hotel at 8 for airport to catch a plane here.Also fed like a queen for a one hour flight ! Not like in the USA. King Fisher airlines...never heard of it before bit it was really nice and clean . This hotel is beautiful....they put flowers over our heads as we came in.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Yoga at 5 am
On to plane to Varanasi
Never heard of this airline but it was great.
Train last night. Don
next to me and Fran by window
One of many trays served to us on the train. We saved most of it and gave it to beggar children at train stations along the way.
Family at train station in Hardiwar
Train station
My luggage. It weighs about 65 pounds
Hotel in Varanasi
Group shot
Don and I
Fish by elevator
My room....nice
Restaurant in hotel
Well , I think it's time for a talk from a local professor on the city and it's art. Then to silk factory and tonight we have been invited to an Indian wedding . They are friends of Arvinds' and invited the whole group. I have no idea what to wear!!!!!
Location:Varanasi, India
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