Well another jam packed full day of new and exciting experiences in Varanasi today.Yoga was great this morning. We have been doing a lot of partner work which has been fun and challenging as well. We all spoke together after class and we all agreed that doing yoga in India feels different....It feels more grounded and just a part of every day life, like washing your face each morning....it leaves us refreshed and energized. Our schedule has been so packed, we need all the energy we can muster. we visited Sarnath today, the birthplace of buddism. Very interesting museum and archeology site.We then went on wild and crazy bicycle rickshaw rides into a huge outdoor bazaar with all kinds of back alleys and vendors with everything from spices, silks, bangles, saris....you name it, you could get it ( of course you have to find it first) the Bazaar was like something just out of Aladdin or Ali Baba and the forty thieves . Don't worry Jeff and Eric ..... I loaded up on curry and other Indian spices...I sent them DHL , should be there in a few days. Oh, and I bought a silk carpet for nala , shaina and cookie. it should last a few days . well tomorrow we have a 5am boat trip on the Ganges river( to see sunrise) then yoga on the banks of the Ganges. Should be great. Only a few pictures of yoga today....did not download today's yet. Miss you all, my trip is coming to a close...be home soon...Karin
Me in headstand

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Some partner work with Kelly

Fran assisting Glenda in handstand

Don in handstand

Don and Helena
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